Tuesday, May 29, 2012

String Theory

The Theory of Everything

“The most incomprehensible thing
 about our universe is that it is comprehensible.”
--Albert Einstein 
            Understanding the universe is a monumental task, yet many scientists dedicate themselves to this task with great vigor. The ultimate goal in physics is to try to understand everything, yet physicists have run into countless problems with the theories that have arisen. Theories are found, analyzed, and rejected. Careers are made and lost on hypotheses. Physicists run through the halls with the news of discoveries, yet the most monumental breakthrough will grab and pull their attention away. The latest theory to have the attention of the scientific community is something out of science fiction. It is a theory that seems unreal and plausible at the same time. The theory that has everyone in an uproar is string theory. This theory is changing everything that was ever known about physics. String theory has the potential to show that the laws of the universe are reflections of one grand physical principle, one master equation. The String Theory explains how quantum mechanics and general relativity can coincide in the quantum and dimensional realms.

The Supersymmetry String Theory is a complex theory that is trying to explain everything. It strives to present what the universe is composed of at a subatomic level, and how that composition affects the whole universe. This Superstring Theory, as it’s otherwise known, gives us a very simple explanation to what everything is made of (Hawking, Grand. 83). According to this theory, the whole universe is composed of ultra-subatomic vibrating strings (Greene, Elegant 15). These strings are present in everything; they make up everything. The preferred pattern of the vibration of a string appears as a particle whose “mass and force charges are determined by the string’s oscillating pattern” (Greene, Elegant 15). In other words, the vibration of the string determines which molecule it is. Its vibration will tell whether it forms a proton, neutron, electron, or a quark. (Greene, Elegant 14). These molecules will then go on to make everything that is known, and that is not known, in the universe and beyond. The introduction of strings into the equation means that particles cannot be point-like, as they are perceived in quantum mechanics (Gubser 52). The easiest way to visualize a string is to think of violin players (Greene, Elegant 14).  Every note that they produce has its own vibration. These vibrations come together to make notes that will turn into a melody, and, in the end, our universe is one grand orchestra. This orchestra of vibrating strings is what has the whole physics world exited, because, for the first time, they have come across a solution to bring quantum mechanics and general relativity together in one “theory of everything” (Huang 35).

This is a bit off of a paper that I wrote back in high school. I just love string theory! I hope that you guys share my love of the micro-world. 

Greene , Brian. The Elegant Universe. New York: W.W Norton & Company Inc,
                        1999. Print.
Greene, Brian. The Fabric of the Cosmos. New York: Random House, 2004.                                                                             Print.
Gubser , Steven. The Little Book of String Theory. New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2010. 
Hawking , Stephen. A Brief History of Time. New York: Random House Inc, 2005.
Hawking , Stephan. The Grand Design. New York: Randon House Inc, 2010.
Huang , Fannie. Quantum Physics: An Anthology of Current Thought. New York: Rosen Publishing Group, 
2006. Print.

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