Sunday, June 24, 2012

Primordial Soup (part 3)

But, what was this black goo? How did Miller know to use the gases that he did under such conditions? And where did this idea come from? Well, for nearly a century, evolutionists have been claiming, with much conviction, that life started on Earth in a "primordial soup" consisting of water chuck full of chemicals necessary for the start of life. This "warm little pond was believed to have been struck by an electrical discharge”, probably from a lightning bolt, which caused the chemicals to make amino acids, and eventually brought forth life on our little blue planet (Evolutioists). From this first soup, they argued, all other life evolved. So Miller got to work on recreating said pond. Miller knew that the “outer planets were very high in hydrogen content, along with water, methane, and ammonia”(Deamer 67). So, he figured that the Earth would have a similar composition after its planetary formation. The only thing that he really needed now was an energy source to drive the reactions. Miller chose to use “an electric spark to simulate the lightning strikes” that were known to bombard early Earth, and the results were extraordinary (Deamer 67). The thing was, Miller expected to get a tarry mass composed of thousands of compounds, but got a surprise when he conducted his chromatography analysis (Deamer 68). Several of the compounds present in Miller’s tare “appeared as distinct spots when separated on paper by chromatography.” These spot appeared purple and blue when they were “sprayed with ninhydrin dye and heated,” and as one might conclude, these spots turned out to be the fundamental monomers of proteins; amino acids (Deamer 67). So Miller proved that amino acids could be synthesized by conditions present in prebiotic Earth, but the real test would come when the scientific community took a closer look at his methods.    

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